My favourite colour is purple. I like most colours, except that I'm not too fond of yellow. I'm a teacher, a student, a wife and a step-mom to four young adult-ish kids. My favourite room is my craft room. I like to play with photography, paper, scrapbooking, book and card making. Thanks for checking out my blog!

Friday, January 7, 2011

So much inspiration!

So this blogging business is suddenly opening up to me all kinds of inspirations from artists who blog and share ideas. I found a new blogger today MARGE MALWITZ. First I wanted to see her quilts. I find quilts and quilters inspiring. Why is this all caps now? Wow, I have so much to learn.

SEriously, I can't change the caps.

Back to Marge Malwitz, who also has a blog. She's a quilter. But she also works with collage. She uses photos, fabrics, painted papers. I just enjoyed viewing her tide pools collage and her quilts made on trips to china and Rwanda. Wow, this is so inspiring! Then I found she also turns her collage into books.

This week I taught students how to make accordion books. They made holiday highlights books, with five significant events of their holiday. I can't wait to read them all. We will make more books this term, for sure. They had a lot of fun and couldn't believe that one time all books were made by hand.

One of my goals today was to add to my blog. (check!) But I'm also starting my next collage. I decided to use a technique I saw Marge using- paint chips mixed with photos. It's fitting, since we were painting a bedroom this week and the colour chosen by the room dweller is purple. Actually, berry syrup to be precise.

You can see a sample of it here. So we had a lot of purple paint chips around. So now I am trimming pieces, tearing pieces, and thinking of adding some purple hydrangea photos and some purple handmade paper that I made years ago.

Here's what I have to work with tonight. I'm going to go work on it. I also have to learn how to load my photo at the end of the blog, not the beginning. sigh. so much to learn.

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